...for new seasons
This weekend we spent finishing up getting the yard ready for the big party next weekend.
Troy and Jacob finished putting the shelving up in the shop. Now, I know, this has nothing to do with the yard...however, I'm sure some of our guests that have not been to the new house will want to take a peek at the shop, and boy will it look much neater!!
I spent the morning in the vegetable garden. I was able to put in two rows of beans a row of carrots. I set up the dripper hose...so we'll see how it goes. The packages say I should see something in 7 to 14 days (7 to 21 days for the carrots). Since this is truly my first attempt at having a garden of my own - I'll be excited to see what happens.
Did I mention the kids bought me a patio set for Mother's Day? We don't have it yet. I have to find one I like.
We went shopping earlier in the week for the all food for the party. It was very difficult to determine how much to buy! We have no idea how many are planning on coming...so, we'll see.
I guess that's it for now! We'll be taking more pictures soon. There really hasn't been much going on lately.
Oh....'new seasons'...that's right! Victoria is entering a new season in her life. She began taking classes at Whitefield in January. We are learning a new lifestyle! We pray that as we transition into this new season, that all will go according to God's plan.
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