Monday, March 9, 2009

for enjoying the freedom of homeschooling

The joys of homeschooling! One of the many reasons I love homeschooling is the great freedom and flexibility it affords a family.

For instance, the kids decided to have school 'across the creek' a few weeks back. So....they got out the boat and ferried themselves across, and had a nice lunch while doing a bit of school on the creek bank.

You can work alone - while reclining on the floor:

...or you can work together, even though you are in different 'grades':

You can also modify your day for drop-in guests and enjoy generational company:

And last, but not least, you can take a moment for a 'good-bye' picture. This is the motorcycle that all the kids learned to ride on. We recently sold it, so we got a picture of everyone sitting on it one last time...though I'll only share one with you now:

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