Sunday, March 8, 2009

for lessons from 'Fiddler on the Roof' and 'High Society'

The kids and I recently watched 'Fiddler on the Roof'. If I saw it when I was younger, I have no memory - so this was a first-time experience for all of us. Since, we have watched it a second time, and it has become one of our favorite movies.

One of the songs in the movie is especially liked around our house - and you could find any one of us (well, maybe not Troy or Jacob) - belting out like Tevye the words to 'If I Were a Rich Man'. (Victoria is singing parts of it right now!)

One of my favorite lines in the song goes like this:

If I were rich I'd have the time that I lack to sit in the synagogue and pray,
And maybe have a seat by the eastern wall.
And I'd discuss the Holy Books with the learned men seven hours every day
and that would be the sweetest thing of all

At this point, Tevye takes a big sigh and just reflects on this for idea for a moment. He does an excellent job, in my opinion, of showing the sheer joy that comes from even thinking about studying the Word.

I have to agree with Tevye that one of the sweetest things of all is to sit and meditate on the Word of God. I know that Tevye was not a Christian - he lacked a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - but he still understood the magnificence of God and spending time with Him and learning more about Him.

Here is the song for you to enjoy!

While Tevye focused too much on how much easier his life would be from having a bit (read that A LOT) more than what he had - he might have learned something from Celeste Holm and Frank Sinatra in 'High Society'. I can't remember the context of this song in the movie - but the message is there - at least for me. When they say 'all I want is you' - I think to myself 'all I want is You, Father, to magnify your name and your Son in my life'.

Here's their song:

I pray that we use all the Lord blesses us with to bring blessings to those around us. I pray that our home is a place of hospitality showing the Father's love and bringing honor and glory to the One whom it all belongs to in the first place!

Whether very poor or millionaires, or somewhere in between - I pray that we will have the mind of God with it all - and know true contentment in the place He has us.

(This post may be edited in the future! I have not captured in words the thoughts I wanted to share - so as the Lord speaks to me, I will share with you any updates!)


At March 8, 2009 at 3:21 PM , Blogger Walter said...

I LOVE Fiddler on the Roof! It's my all time favorite musical! I'll often catch myself (and my siblings) singing and humming the songs...

And of course, Angie and Kasie like to play all the fiddle tunes.

There is so much "meat" or discussion material that that musical sparks. What is the purpose of tradition? Can tradition be taken too far? What would you have done if you were Tevye?

At March 8, 2009 at 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Fiddler on the Roof! I've seen the movie 3 or 4 times and even been to a live performance of it. (that was AWESOME!!) Yes, it's among my favorite musicals. Tevye's great. I love the conversation he has with Perchik;

Perchik: money is a curse!
Tevye: "May God smite me with this curse! And may I never recover!"


It was good reading your post on the subject. Money doesn't solve everything. I'll do well to remember that.

Oh yeah, I also love it when Tevye's talking with Lazawolf (sp?) about his cow/his daughter. :-D That's hilarious! Okay, I love the whole movie. I don't need to quote the entire thing! (though I probably could if I concentrated enough!)

God bless you guys!


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