Saturday, February 7, 2009

for losing teeth and turning 9!

I'm getting very behind on my posts! I could blame it on the holidays, the surgery, and the broken foot - but I'll just say I let other things get in the way - apologize - and move on from here.

So...that brings us to January. Our baby turned 9 this month! I cannot believe it! He had a few friends over, along with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sweetie, to celebrate. Ms. Marlee made his cake this year. He requested her cheesecake, which he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES - and so do the rest of us!

Later in the month, he lost another tooth. I think he actually had Biggy Sissy (aka Victoria) pull it for him, but hey, whatever works!

Stay tuned for more pictures and notes from January!


Safe Thus Far said...

Happy (belated) Birthday to David! What a handsome guy. :)

Audra Jennings said...

I can't stand wiggly teeth. I won't my niece do it near me.

But, I'll give you an award anyway. Claim it at my blog!


Anonymous said...

I agree with a prior post...what a handsome young man! Marlee should post her cheesecake recipe! I would like to make it for my family. Looks like you had a great day!

Love, Aunt Linda

p.s. Luke has two wiggly teeth right now...but he NEVER lets me pull them ... although I try!