Saturday, February 7, 2009

for losing teeth and turning 9!

I'm getting very behind on my posts! I could blame it on the holidays, the surgery, and the broken foot - but I'll just say I let other things get in the way - apologize - and move on from here.

So...that brings us to January. Our baby turned 9 this month! I cannot believe it! He had a few friends over, along with Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sweetie, to celebrate. Ms. Marlee made his cake this year. He requested her cheesecake, which he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES - and so do the rest of us!

Later in the month, he lost another tooth. I think he actually had Biggy Sissy (aka Victoria) pull it for him, but hey, whatever works!

Stay tuned for more pictures and notes from January!

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At February 7, 2009 at 1:51 PM , Blogger Safe Thus Far said...

Happy (belated) Birthday to David! What a handsome guy. :)

At February 9, 2009 at 5:38 PM , Blogger Audra Jennings said...

I can't stand wiggly teeth. I won't my niece do it near me.

But, I'll give you an award anyway. Claim it at my blog!


At February 12, 2009 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with a prior post...what a handsome young man! Marlee should post her cheesecake recipe! I would like to make it for my family. Looks like you had a great day!

Love, Aunt Linda

p.s. Luke has two wiggly teeth right now...but he NEVER lets me pull them ... although I try!


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