Thursday, January 29, 2009

for snow PICTURES (for Audrey!)

I have to get busy and post all the happenings around here since December! I still have some October photos to share as well, but for now, here are some pictures taken in December during our snowy, snowy, snowy weather! I miss the snow! Cold weather - bone-chilling cold weather - just isn't as fun if the ground isn't white! However, the robins have started coming, so I'm wondering if we're in for an early spring

Enjoy, Audrey!!! I hope you like the pictures. We had anywhere from 6 to 10 inches on the ground - and yes, we had a white Christmas

Marlee and Lydia going out to feed the horses!

Lydia loved to burrow in the snow - which is obvious from the snow on her nose!

Mounds and mounds of snow - everywhere!

Snow falling at night

Christmas Night - not the 'typical' Family Picture - but here in the country it works!

Our version of 'Do You See What I See? A Star, a star, shining in the night...'

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At January 30, 2009 at 4:23 PM , Blogger Victoria said...

Quite the family picture you have there! ;) ;)

lol...All I can say is that I have not lost complete hope yet.

One day, we'll get a decent family photo with good hair and everyones' pants on!

Love ya~

At February 1, 2009 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Audrey said...

Thank you! I've never seen that much snow (except in photos), and I've never come close to even thinking about a white Christmas!

At February 1, 2009 at 7:49 PM , Blogger KeepItSimple said...

Hey Audrey!!!

You know, if it snows again, I'll see about sending you a real-live snowball on some dry ice. I wonder if that is possible and if it is allowed? Hmmm...I'll have to check into it!

Are you still raising birds? I stopped by your blog earlier. I'll have to go back and leave a comment (or two or three). Deer blood and snake holding??? Eep!

Hugs to you -


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