Thursday, January 29, 2009

for snow PICTURES (for Audrey!)

I have to get busy and post all the happenings around here since December! I still have some October photos to share as well, but for now, here are some pictures taken in December during our snowy, snowy, snowy weather! I miss the snow! Cold weather - bone-chilling cold weather - just isn't as fun if the ground isn't white! However, the robins have started coming, so I'm wondering if we're in for an early spring

Enjoy, Audrey!!! I hope you like the pictures. We had anywhere from 6 to 10 inches on the ground - and yes, we had a white Christmas

Marlee and Lydia going out to feed the horses!

Lydia loved to burrow in the snow - which is obvious from the snow on her nose!

Mounds and mounds of snow - everywhere!

Snow falling at night

Christmas Night - not the 'typical' Family Picture - but here in the country it works!

Our version of 'Do You See What I See? A Star, a star, shining in the night...'

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

for snow!

As I was driving into town today for my reflexology appointment, I couldn't help but notice the mounds and mounds of snow still on the sides of the road. We had A LOT of snow in December, but a warm Chinook came through and melted most of it away.

The plowed piles struck me. They are filthy. Some of them you could mistake for a pile of gravel - if you didn't know what was underneath.

When the snow fell - it was gorgeous! Incredibly white - and sparkly! In between storms, when the sun would peek through - the snow looked like a jeweler's case filled with diamonds. What a beautiful gift from the Father!!! I LOVED it!

This sort of struck of me. We are given the gift of life. If our parents do not 'train us up in the way we should go' we will accumulate so much sin, that goes unforgiven, that pretty soon we resemble the piles of 'snow gravel'. Now, I know, I know - we are all born sinners. A babe is no more innocent than a full-grown adult. However, our sins can move us further and further away from the Lord. I know. I was one of those gravel snow piles. Until He came in and washed me, you got it, white as snow! Now, I sparkle like the diamond snow - because of the blood of Christ Jesus.

I have been thinking a lot about parenting lately. You'd think, with an 18 year-old, I would have figured it out by now...but every day I learn something new. I have learned in the last 9 years how very important it is to teach our children, what I like to call, the 'secret to life' which can be found in 1 Corinthians 10:31. Do you know it? I didn't learn it until I was in my 30s. I was not taught it by my parents, nor was it shared with me by friends.

Now that I know it - I want my kids to know it. I want them to embrace it. I want them to know what it is like to be diamond snow. They will have their gravel snow moments - I know I still do - but I want them to sparkle because of the Lord, with the Lord, and for the Lord.

It's amazing the thoughts the Lord will give you, while driving to a reflexology appointment, down the road to town, in less than a mile.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

for sharing what comes to my 'inbox'

This is an email from a friend. She asked that I post it to my here goes! This is a fantastic offer from TEACH Magazine!!

We are running $20.09 special to kick off the new year and we'll give you a free eBundle (up to $100.00 value) for telling your customers about it.Plus, we'll give each of your readers, visitors, etc. that take advantage ofthis great deal, Lorrie's book, Teaching Children Responsibility (and we'llsend it to you too!).

Send your newsletter subscribers, blog readers, website visitors, friends,family, etc. to You will see the detailsof the 2009 promotion we are running on the home page. Your readers (oryourself) can take advantage of the following:

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It's easy to do! Just send out a note to your readers directing them to our page:

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This is one kickoff promotion you're not going to want to miss out on! It's good for you and your readers! We're so sure you'll love our products that we know you'll want to share them. It really is a win-win situation for you.

Hurry though - get your blog posts, advertisements and more ready to go because this offer expires on February 4th.

And remember, we're here to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need any help putting this promotion to work for you, please let
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"There are many more flies caught with honey than with vinegar and there are many more sinners brought to Christ by happy Christians than by doleful Christians!"- Spurgeon 1895


Thursday, January 22, 2009

for the right kind of prayer!

I wish Mr. Warren had a meeting with Mr. Swanson while writing out his inaugural prayer. Perhaps he would have prayed a prayer more like the one Mr. Swanson prayed, which is below.

From the blog of Mr. Kevin Swanson:

January 22, 2009
A Prayer At the Capitol

Today, I was asked to pray at Colorado Right to Life's Annual Rally at the Denver Capitol. This is what I said.

Oh God, in Heaven,

I pray for the state of Colorado today at the steps of the Capitol in Denver. I know that you remember that we are the first state to legalize the killing of innocent life 42 years ago. I pray for our country today. But I don't think the people of the state of Colorado and its leaders think all that much of you.

I wonder why we should call anything evil, when everybody is so sure that there is no judgment, and no God who will judge?

Why should we call anything sin, when the schools have been teaching us for 50 years, that there are no absolutes?

Why should we repent, when we don't fear God?

Why should we bother saying sorry, when you're not very sovereign, not very just, not very holy, and not all that interested in us?

Why should we respect your law, when we are a law to ourselves?

Why should we pay attention to you at all, when you are hardly ever even mentioned in our legislative committee discussions, our school textbooks, our newspapers, our movies, except when your name is taken in vain. You are a non-issue.

Why should we pray, when we're not even sure you are real?

Why should we ask for your help in the day of our distress, when we have given you the finger, by killing your children, by defacing your image, flushing it down the sinks of abortuaries across this state?


We appeal to you today oh God, because you have made a universe of billions of galaxies, and one tiny little earth, with 6 billion tiny little creatures called men.

And because we know that your ten commandments were not ten suggestions.

And because you are a God who really does bring empires to the ground, again, and again, and again, and again.

And because you are a God who cares about every minute detail of this earth you have created. Every sparrow. . . Every drop of blood . . .of animal and of man that is spilled onto the ground.

And because you are a God who paid for our sins and met the just demands of our breaking the law of God, and you did it with the drops of blood that spilled on the ground from the body of our Lord Christ at Calvary.

And we are sorry for the innocent blood that we have spilled.

We are sorry that we have despised the life made in your image. We have been selfish. We have despised your blessings. We have taken what you call a curse, and we have called it a blessing. We boast of big empty houses, empty hearts, and empty wombs.

We have been big, selfish, materialistic pigs, and we are sorry.

Give us the faith today to believe in the sanctity of life - impressed in stone by the finger of God.

Give us the courage today, to stand for life against all persecutions, against all oppositions, against all discouragements, against all principalities and powers, against trillions of dollars of humanist indoctrination, against the pro-abortion majorities in all of our governing bodies, against the most committed, pro-infanticide president ever to serve in these United States. We stand with You. We stand with David who and with Jeremiah who was known by you in his mother's womb. We stand with men of indomitable Christian faith who have stood for human life in history, as St. Patrick, Ambrose, William Wilberforce, John the Baptist, the Hebrew Midwives, and Deitrich Bonhoeffer. Help us as we stand against the tyrants of our day. Help us to stand in faith, unrelenting courage, and true love, all the days of our lives.

In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


for a follow-up to yesterday's commercial

(I wish President Obama, his wife, and daughters would watch both of these videos!)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

...for commercials

(No, we aren't Catholic)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

for October??

As I was browsing the history of this blog, I realized I skipped October!! Look soon for October pictures - and of course, December. Also, some random pictures - Victoria loves to take the 'artsy' photos!

Meanwhile - time for me to get some lunch, enjoy the kids, and finish the puzzle that Marlee received as a present for her birthday.

Have a great day!

PS - If you have kids, you may want to take a peek at this list. Then grab a cup of java/tea/cocoa, a pen and paper, and tweak the list to fit your family. Later, if you feel so moved, you could always stop back by here and share your revisions!!

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for November pictures!

This month started off with Victoria traveling with a friend to a family camp. She was only gone for the weekend, but we sure did miss her!! Here are the signs Marlee and David made for her return:

The bottom right of David's sign has a picture of how he views his big(gest) sister. The picture is entitled "Super Sissy" - complete with super hero cape.

Marlee's sign says: "Home is not home without you. I call out your name a hundred times till someone reminds me your not home. - Marlee"

Work or play? You be the judge!

The fall this year I think was by far the best (and maybe only) true fall we've had since we moved west. The temperature was crisp, the leaves had time to fall, and all-in-all it was a wonderfully spectacular fall!

Troy and the kids made up several batches of Apple Butter this year. Victoria and I put up pears, also, but I can't find those pictures.

Here are the kids peeling the apples:

...and having some fun:

This November had us celebrating Jacob's 16th birthday!!! I cannot believe my 'bull-in-the-china-shop' (as he was affectionatley called by his Grandma Bingo) is already 16!!! We had a small celebration with the family, and of course, Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sweetie!

The cake is served:

The candles are blown out:

The presents are opened: (have you ever seen someone so happy to get a box!)

It was actually the present from Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sweetie. Jacob LOVES to read!

Another exciting event in November (for Jacob and the family): State Playoffs!!! The Tiger Football Team once again saw some State-playoff games this year!! This is Jacob's second year playing, and he really seems to enjoy the game.

Jacob is #59. Here he is cheering his team on from the sidelines:

Marlee and David, my two precious yellow birds, enjoying the game:

Waiting for the kick-off return. (Jacob is second from the left):

Heading to protect the receiver:

Half-time warm-ups and encouragement:

While the boys were defeated in the second round of the playoffs, all in all they had a good year. As with all things in life, I pray the boys play for the glory of God - then seeming defeat is not bitter at all!

Every year, our town has a 'Turkey Carnival'. I think we have been every year since we moved to town. It is a fun day, filled with fellowship, laughter, and fun. They have games set up for the kids to enjoy - and of course 'Turkey Bingo'. Victoria won a turkey our first year - then Marlee won a turkey when she was about the same age. All other years - we always came home with full hearts and empty hands.

This year, however, we hit the jackpot! David won the first turkey of the day with the 'Letter X' game:

...Victoria soon added a turkey to our freezer - and finally Mom (with Marlee's help) won a third, and final turkey! Here is Marlee collecting our booty from the day:

While the winning was wonderful - and I truly was thanking God! - I had time to reflect back on years past to compare my praising in times of plenty - compared to times of want. I have to say, I failed the test. It was a lesson the Lord taught me that day that I will carry with me for a lifetime.

...which brings us to Thanksgiving. This year, we had so many at our table, we had to move the kitchen table into the living room! Along with the family and Grandpa Ron and Grandma Sweetie, we had two gentleman from town (that don't have family nearby) break bread with us, as well as Troy's brother Mark and his daughter Kylie. (We missed having Brenda and Brandi, Mark's wife and other daughter, with us - they were in Florida). While the picture isn't great - I assure you, the food and fellowship was wonderful!!!

Marlee has several pen pals - yes, the 'old-fashioned' kind that actually sit down and write out letters. Okay, okay, on occasion they have been known to type up their letters on the computer, print them off, and then mail them via the USPS, but hey - this is the 'technological age'! Anyway, she and her penpals send each other recipes on occasion. One recipe she recently received was for a 'Purple Cow'. I had a picture of the recipe, but for whatever reason, it is not displaying correctly.

For a 'Purple Cow' you need milk and grape jelly. It also appears that you need:

some ice cream. Put these in a blender and....blend.

Then..drink to your heart's delight! At first, you may think you don't like it....

but my sources tell me that the taste, while acquired, is very yummy!

..and to end this month in pictures - we were very thankful to see this:

(and they continue to fall! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord!!!)

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Friday, January 2, 2009

for catching up!

Hi!!! Where did I disappear to??? (Okay the previous sentence is grammatically incorrect - I never did figure out how to reword those kinds of sentences!) I'm sure you all are wondering! We are all well. We have a lot of news and photos since November - and I do plan on posting some pictures soon! We have had family visits, a birthday, a wonderful Thanksgiving, a fantastic Christmas, sledding, snowmobiling, surgery, and a New Year since I last posted.

Right now - I am putting together some ideas to work on myself (and the kids) on being more obedient to Christ - and learning more about truly following Him. Victoria is reading a book (you can read excerpts and her thoughts on it at her blog, but I really liked one of the quotes she used. I'm not sure if it is from the book - or her comments on the chapter, but here it is
This life long task is not done legalistically, because it is not rooted in a desire to gain or earn God's favor. Rather, it is done in love with a desire to have more of God and live like it. The grace God bestows upon salvation is the source that lives on and manifests itself in God-pleasing lifestyles.

Isn't that fantastic? I am so tired of hearing the 'oh, (insert name here) is so legalistic'! If you strive to live a life that reflects more of God and less of self - the church is quick to classify a person as legalistic.

Ah well, that is a post for another day - and one that has a prayer prerequisite!!!

I plan on using the resources found at this site. The first one we will be going over is "Obedience". Now, you may be thinking this is a 'Mom-trick', but I have found that I truly need to be more obedient in my own life. I am sorely lacking in this area!

For now - I'll sign off. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are well and you'll be hearing more from us (me) soon!

