Tuesday, October 7, 2008

for auctions and visits

This weekend, Victoria, David, and I went to the Menno Mennonite Auction. There was a plethora of hand-crafts, homemade goodies, fresh ground flour, and all sorts of treats to eat on the spot! We went with Grandma Sweetie - and though we only stayed for a couple of hours - we had a really good time. We came home with some Kraut Ranzas (for the Troy) and several different varieties of Amish cheese (mainly for David!).

While we were out enjoying those festivities, Troy, Marlee, and Jacob stayed home to visit with Grandpa Jack. They all went out on a 'potato digger'. Marlee said it was 'quite fascinating'.

After we got home - we all enjoyed an early dinner/late lunch. Victoria made some tasty enchiladas. She also made refried beans (from the bean powder I made up - quick, easy, and better for you!!!) and a salad. I made some guacamole to accompany the wonderful meal she put together.

After dinner, Grandpa Jack, Dad, and Marlee went for a ride. Max (our newest addition in the barn) isn't quite ready for trail rides yet, so Dad and Marlee doubled up on Bart.

Later that evening - we enjoyed some Blueberry Crisp and ice cream before telling Grandpa Jack good bye.

It was a great weekend!

A treat?? For me??

Helping Grandpa Jack saddle Gem

Helping Dad get Bart ready

Three generations, two horses, lots of love!

Load 'em up! Move 'em out! Git along little doggies!


Anonymous said...

How fun! I love horses. :-) I also love blueberry crisp!

Safe Thus Far said...

Will you email me about the bean powder sometime? Do you grind dry beans or something?