Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and for me, I didn't always look forward to it because my birthday (which is very near to Valentine's Day) took precedence (how is THAT for self-centeredness?). Now, I reflect on Valentine's Day as a reminder for our call to love one another.
Today, during my quiet time, I was going over the 'Love Chapter' and testing myself on how well I have loved...and how well I have been lovable.
Let's review 1 Corinthians 13 as I reflect on how well I have done:
Love suffers long and is kind - ahh. I have failed here more times than I can count. I am still learning the virtue of patience, especially with my dear family. Also, sad to say, I am not always kind, to my husband or my children. God is still working with me, and each day, I am a bit closer to not letting situations quench the Spirit within me!
Love does not envy - This one I have improved in from my former self! prayer here is to teach my children to rejoice when others succeed, especially their siblings. To feel the complete joy in seeing someone else accomplish something and not thinking, 'I wish that could be me!'.
Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up - This one, also, is more a part of the personality God gave to me. I am rather shy, and would prefer for someone else to be in the spotlight.
(Love) does not behave rudely - I think this one goes along with 'Love is kind'..when I am not being kind, I am being rude...and I can be quite rude at times, though the times are fewer and fewer these days. Praise the Lord!
(Love) does not seek its own kind - I'm not sure what this one means, exactly. However, if it means that love would like to see others excel at our expense, than yes, I am doing well here...most of the time. *smile*
(Love) is not provoked -'s a verse like this that makes me ever so grateful for the Holy Spirit...on my own, I am easily provoked...especially by careless words spoken by family. However, I have been on the opposite side of this equation, so the times I have felt provoked are seasoned with the realization that I have been the button-pusher myself!
(Love) thinks no evil - Again, I have noticed great changes in my thinking since coming to the Lord. Where before I would think of all types of revenge on a person, now my first thought (most of the time) is to pray for them. God is so incredibly good!
(Love) does not rejoice in inquity, but rejoices with the truth - I can say amen to this one! I no longer rejoice in inquity, and I always rejoice when the truth is proclaimed! There is a funny story here, but I will save that for another day! (ahhh...that will keep you coming back, eh?).
(Love) bears all things - I am learning this! Again, I feel this ties in with being patient, but it also stands on it's own for dealing with people and circumstances where extra grace is required.
(Love) believes all things - This is where I have to take every thought captive! There are times when I hear the enemy whispering, twisting God's promises, and I have to shut that off and stand on the Word alone. I do believe, Lord, help my unbelief...these are words I have spoken and/or thought at times.
(Love) hopes all things - My hope alone is in Jesus Christ and His death, resurrection, and ascension!
(Love) endures all things - In our society, there is truly very little we have to 'endure' as believers...compared to believers around the globe. I pray I would have the faith to endure whatever the Lord allows to be put before me.
Love never fails - Oh, the sweet, wonderful good news in those few words! Love, the Father of love, never fails. Through Him and in Him we can LOVE as He has loved.
This Valentine's Day, why not take the time to walk through the 'Love Chapter' and do a self-evaluation? Remember and rejoice in who the Father of love is...and bring glory to His name!
My next step? To ask my husband and my children how I am doing shining forth the love that is working in me.
May each of you feel the love of our Savior, not only on Valentine's Day, but every day.
Now for some pictures of love at our house:
Her bubble was being invaded just a little bit....

...and our Marlee-girl just delights in her brotherly bubble invasion!
Dad and Mom can't be left out!
(...and no, the kisses aren't because I was sharing the funnel cake *smile*!)
Labels: love