Wednesday, September 9, 2009

for some more updates!!!

This summer has flown by in such a flurry that I have forgotten where I am in the updates. I know I owe some pictures - but I'll have to go back through the old posts to figure out where I am!!!

I'll at least catch you up on the last several weeks of August. We began school in late August. We are trying year-round schooling this year, which I think will work better for our family. Taking the summers off seems to cause a bit of laziness on my part - and I'm sure it affects the kids as well.

The last week of August was the County Fair. The kids did really well this year. Victoria and Jacob did not enter anything this year. Well, Victoria hasn't since she was David's age. Jacob decided he wasn't up to bringing a pig this year, but in the end it worked out well because he was able to work instead!

Marlee once again brought pigs. She did very well - bringing home blues in Fitting and Showing as well as in the Market Class. In the large animal class, Fitting & Showing is more focused on how well your animal is taken care of as well as how well you can maneuver them around the ring. The showmen are asked a few questions - but most points are derived from your performance with your animal in the ring. In the small animal class, there is more emphasis on head knowledge. Control of the animal is still an issue, but what you know gets more points.

On the Homestead with Ms. Emily and Ms. Mamie
(can you tell she is a Walton's fan??)

Ms. Emily getting the Salon Treatment

Some pre-show encouragement from Cousin Bud

In the Show Ring with Ms. Emily

David is our chicken farmer. While he doesn't get the monetary benefit of bringing a market animal - he and his chickens received many awards. He was Grand Champion in Fitting and Showing, as well as Overall Grand Champion in Fitting and Showing in the small animal class. He had to show a chicken, a rabbit, and a goat. His favorite chicken Ms. Lillian received Best of Show in breed, Reserve Overall Best of Show, and the Special Commissioner's award. A dozen of Ms. Lillian's eggs also received a Best of Show. In the Lego division, he received Best of Show for his Star War's Death Star - which also received the Commissioner's Award. He came home with lots of colorful ribbons and some spiffy trophies this year.

On the Homestead with Ms. Lillian

Fitting & Showing w/ Ms. Lillian

...and the winner is...

I'll have more pictures soon - and more updates on what we have been doing. Thanks for stopping by!!!

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At September 9, 2009 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Victoria said...

Great post, Dearest!!!

Love ya~



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