Monday, August 11, 2008

for July Updates

Wow - time is flying by for me!! I have heard that several of you want to hear more from the family - but have enjoyed the book reviews! I will try to be more diligent in posting updates and pictures!!

The first week of July had us at Family Camp at Peniel Ranch. What an incredibly FANTASTIC week we had. There was great speaking and great worship times with the Darden Family. I cannot find a web site for them, but what a great family!! They have 6 children, however just the four oldest (age range 12 to 8) sing with them. They harmonize like no other. They were great! Our hosts (at camp) also had some great teaching times, and of course, the food, once again, was excellent! In 'free time' we did a bit of fishing, and the kids and I made some nifty crafts.

Soon after family camp, we said 'good bye' to Jacob for his annual visit to SC. He was gone for two weeks this year, and we missed him a lot. I was thankful to have him home so quickly this year!!

While he was gone, we had a camping weekend, and also spent a day at Riverfront Park.

Marlee continued to care for the baby bird she found. We let it go several times, and it came back every time. We eventually just let it stay outside 24 hours - but the bird kept coming back to be fed every four hours or so. This lasted for about two weeks. The time gradually decreased to the point of the bird never returning. He was a cute little thing - and every now and again, we think we see him sitting in a tree and chirping.

We have so many July pictures that I will post them separately in individual posts.

July was a very busy month, and August is proving to be just as busy.

The Lord has been incredibly gracious to us! I am in awe of Him more every day. I hope to do a post on 'Prayer' soon. I look forward to reading your thoughts on prayer.

One other note - I sort of let the July contest go to the wayside in the hustle and bustle of summer - so, I plan on doing a 'Back to School' contest that will cover July/August/September...that will give me time to get back on track.

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At August 13, 2008 at 10:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like your family has been busy and having fun! Hope you are all doing well! I LOVE the baby bird pictures, glad to heat that the bird was raised up sucessfully! NEATO!

Oh, I was wondering if you could update my blogroll link? We've moved from to - should be easier in the long run!



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